Orthodox Christian Topics
Orthodox Christian Messages IX
Written by Greg Pantelidis BSc(Hons)

1. Complete obedience gives rise to complete humility. Complete humility gives rise to every virtue.
2. Imitate Lord Jesus’ life of self-denial and obedience.
3. No teacher can force self-denial and obedience. Self-denial and obedience require the free-will of the person who chooses to follow.
4. Do not return evil for evil or neutrality for neutrality. Rather return good for good, good for evil, and good for neutrality.
5. Injustice causes a disturbance which separates persons. Correct the disturbance through repentance and restitution.
6. Have non-malice and non-cunning. Be simple and unblemished.
7. The world practices natural law. If you show love, it shows love. If you show hatred, it shows hatred. If you show neutrality, it shows neutrality.
8. The dragon seeks to incite malice, cunning, jealousy, envy, hatred, suspicion.
9. Force yourself to practice humility, meekness, mercy, and love. We cannot force others to practice these virtues, we can only force ourselves.
10. The Orthodox Christian practices humility, meekness, mercy, and love. The secular person practices pride, wrath, non-mercy, and hatred.
11. Practice humility, meekness, mercy, and love in thought, feeling, word, and work.
12. Have perfect self-denial, perfect obedience, and perfect humility.
13. Be a logical leader. Practice humility, meekness, mercy, and love. The dragon tries to incite in leaders pride, wrath, envy, non-mercy, and hatred. A logical leader makes logical followers.
14. Earthly non-wealth, earthly non-glory, and earthly non-pleasure will on the Day of Judgment prove to be true wealth, true glory, and true pleasure.
15. On Judgment Day we will hear the abominations of the world: the vanities, the fornications, the blasphemies, the sorceries, the enmities, the thefts, the murders, the falsehoods. Who can bear to hear them?
16. Find the frequency of thinking which contains the Comforter, that is, the Holy Spirit. Always think good and humble thoughts, this is the frequency where the Comforter will be revealed.
17. If we have knowledge we will always be humble and contrite, never exalting in heart, mind, or tongue.
18. We must live a good life in preparation for a good death and eternal life. Always remember that you must prepare for death.
19. Have a continuity of good thoughts, good feelings, good words, and good works. Beware of disturbances of this continuity.
20. The fundamental tenet of Orthodox Christianity is to have a continuity of good thoughts. A disturbance of this continuity results in the loss of goodness of thoughts, goodness of feelings, goodness of words, and goodness of works.
21. The kingdom of God on earth is the community of persons belonging to the Orthodox Christian Church.
22. Natural justice is symmetry: good for good, evil for evil, neutrality for neutrality. Spiritual justice is one-sided symmetry: good for good, good for evil, good for neutrality.
23. If you want to enter into life keep the sacraments and the commandments. (See Matt. 19:17 and Lev. 18:5).
24. Keep your thoughts, feelings, words, and works good. Do not let a disturbance of bad thoughts, feelings, words, or works appear in your spectrum.
25. A temptation occurs when our neighbor accepts bad thoughts, or bad feelings, or bad words, or bad works. Keep your spectrum clear and do not return bad for bad.
26. Keep your spectrum of thoughts always clear. This way you will love all, both good and bad.
27. Keep your spectrum of thoughts, feelings, words, and works clear. Reject any disturbance to your spectrum.
28. The Comforter remains with us when our spectrum is clear.
29. Be free of self and you will always be happy.
30. From humility is born every virtue. Humility is the mother of every virtue.
31. Our father and mother are sacred persons. Honor and obey you father and mother always. (See Ex. 20:12 and Eph. 6:1). From honoring and obeying your father and mother is born every virtue and blessing. Never strike father or mother. (See Ex. 21:15). Never speak evil of father or mother. (See Ex 21:17). Your father and mother gave you birth. They fed you, raised you, taught you, guided you. From your father and mother you received everything. Therefore have towards them perfect gratitude, perfect honor, perfect obedience.
32. The heart of the saints burns with perfect mercy and love towards their brethren. They pray for all, both saint and sinner. They hope for the salvation of all, both saint and sinner.
33. Your rebuke must combine strictness, kindness, mercy, justice and love. Never must your rebuke be unkind, unmerciful, unjust, or unloving.
34. Are you crucified to the world? Are you crucified to food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance?
35. A crucified person is detached from food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance. A crucified person ceases to seek food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance. A crucified person seeks the kingdom of God.
36. We must go to Lord Jesus by going to a spiritual father, in order to crucify the passions of our soul and body. When with the power of Lord Jesus we are crucified to the passions, we live from then on the life of grace and virtue. By keeping the virtue of humility we increase in grace and virtue.
37. We must go to the High Priest Lord Jesus, so that He may slay our passions of soul and body.
38. Be crucified to self, practicing complete obedience to Lord Jesus.
39. Be crucified to self. Be crucified to glory. Be crucified to wealth. Be crucified to pleasure.
40. God allows the outer crucifixion of poverty, disease and oppression to call us to repentance and the inner crucifixion of the passions of soul and body.
41. Be crucified to your passions. Be crucified to food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance.
42. The world is attached to food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance. It is also attached to the five vices they generate: wrath, sorrow, lethargy, pride, envy, (despair and suicide). An Orthodox Christian is crucified to food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance. An Orthodox Christian is crucified to wrath, sorrow, lethargy, pride, envy, (despair and suicide). An Orthodox Christian practices self-control, frugality, humility, obedience, chastity, meekness, joy, diligence, humility, love, (patience and hope). These are the five primary virtues and the five secondary virtues.
43. Beware of the arrival of the five primary vices: gluttony, love of possessions, vanity, disobedience, unchastity. Beware of the arrival of the five secondary vices: wrath, sorrow, lethargy, pride, envy, (despair and suicide). Beware of the arrival of the tertiary vice of blasphemy.
44. Lord Jesus came to deliver us from sin, and to give us the grace of the Holy Spirit.
45. Practice gospel virtue: humility, meekness, mercy, and love.
46. The dragon seeks to effect the overaction or the underaction of our natural talents. He seeks to effect overprudence or underprudence, overjustice or underjustice, overcourage or undercourage, overabstinence or underabstinence.
47. Beware of the temptation of thought, the temptation of idea, the temptation of feeling, the temptation of word, and the temptation of work.
48. You cannot force a person to love God and love neighbor. This requires personal choice. Vainly therefore do the Jews hope to force a Noahide community.
49. Malice is of the malicious one. Cunning is of the cunning one. Goodness is of the Good One. Holiness is of the Holy One.
50. You cannot force a mitzvah community. You cannot force a virtue community.
51. Seek the deliverance from your passions. Lord Jesus through His apostles, the Spiritual Fathers, delivers us from the passions.
52. Live the heavenly life on earth, keeping spiritual law.
53. Do not be a harsh elder. Mix strictness with mercy, love, flexibility and humility.
54. The Orthodox Christian Church is a body of logical members with Lord Jesus as Head. If the logical members do not obey the Head, the body cannot function properly.
55. The body of the Orthodox Christian Church functions canonically when all the members freely obey the Head, Lord Jesus, and allow Him to energize each member.
56. Only from obedience to Lord Jesus can each member practice their talent.
57. Each member of Lord Jesus must practice the talent they have been given, freely allowing the Holy Spirit to work thru them.
58. We reap what we sow. If we sow goodness and mercy, we reap goodness and mercy. If we sow harshness and non-mercy we reap harshness and non-mercy.
59. Always practice logic with love. Logic without love leads to harshness. Love without logic leads to foolishness.
60. Remember the four virtues of the Orthodox Christian Philosopher: Faith, Logic, Courage, Love.
61. The Son of God has always existed. He existed in the Pre Old Testament, in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament. In the Pre Old Testament and Old Testament he is non-Incarnate. In the New Testament he is Incarnate as Lord Jesus Christ.
62. Our Creator is a Trinitarian God. He has always been a Trinitarian God, but this was not fully revealed in the Pre Old Testament and Old Testament. In the New Testament it has been fully revealed that our Creator is a Trinitarian God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
63. According to Saint Augustine the three levels of virtue can be viewed in the following manner: married chastity is thirty-fold virtue, widowed chastity is sixty-fold virtue, unmarried chastity is a hundred-fold virtue. (See City of God, XV, 26).
64. Live the devoted life, betrothed to the Holy Spirit.
65. Live a simple, humble, and obedient life.
66. Be humble brethren. Humility gives place to the reign of the Comforter. The Comforter brings an end to the kingdom of unbelief, pride, lawlessness, and despair. Glory to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit now and forever, and unto the ages of ages, Amen!
67. Live the life of non-wealth, non-glory, and non-pleasure.
68. Have perfect humility and perfect hope in Lord Jesus.
69. Walk the path of humility. Walk the path of obedience. Walk the path of complete hope in Lord Jesus.
70. You should practice virtue for your salvation. You should practice with non-glory, unseen to the world, with diligence, with force, with measure, with humility, with hope in Lord Jesus, with giving glory to God.
71. Practice virtue for your salvation and let the glory be to God. (See Matt. 5:16).
72. Are you betrothed to Lord Jesus? Are you crucified to the world? Are you resurrected to the life in the Holy Spirit?
73. The false Messiah is a carnal person, a black magician.
74. Are you crucified to sin? Are you crucified to unbelief, pride, lawlessness and despair? Are you resurrected from sin? Are you betrothed to the Spirit? Are you crucified to self? Do you partake of the first resurrection, the resurrection of the soul? Do you practice perfect obedience to your Creator? Does the Comforter abide in you, now in betrothal, and forever in marriage? (John 14:16).
75. We can only please God by the grace of Lord Jesus. We can only please God by faith in Lord Jesus and obedience to His commandments and sacraments.
76. We must go to Lord Jesus, so He can slay our passions of soul and body. (See Macarius, Homily 1).
77. Lord Almighty, slay our passions of soul and body!
78. O Lord Jesus! Deliver us from the passions of soul and body!
79. Slay overeating, stealing and overpossessing, vanity, and unchastity.
80. Practice fasting, charity, humility, obedience, prayer, and chastity.
81. Wage war. The dragon and his angels are trying to separate you from your Creator.
82. The war of the dragon against us is to separate us from our Creator. (See Saint Symeon the New Theologian, Discourse 73).
83. Do not be a zealot for wealth, glory, and pleasure. Be a zealot for God, for God’s law, for gospel virtue, for good works.
84. Do not be a zealot for food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance. Be a zealot for virtue, spiritual law, and good works. (See Tit. 2:14).
85. Humility, simplicity, and obedience will give rise to all knowledge and virtue.
86. All persons, and all creation are sacred. They are the creation of the All- Holy Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
87. Spiritual love is not dissolved by injustice in food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, or romance. Non-spiritual love though is dissolved by injustice in food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, or romance.
88. Are you a zealot for food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, or romance? Or are you a zealot for spiritual law?
89. What language do you speak? Spiritual language or worldly language?
90. Beware of illogical distributions of power. A social group like this does not function canonically.
91. Do not be an Idolater, worshiping the passions of dishonor.
92. The dragon seeks to pervert our virtues. He tries to turn prudence into illogic below and cunning above. Courage into cowardice below and rashness above. Justice into deficiency below and greed above. Self-restraint into unfeeling below and license above. Godly zeal for good works into ungodly zeal for possessions, glory, or pleasure. Anger against sin into anger against our neighbor. Self-respect into vanity. Canonical eating into overeating. Procreation into unchastity.
93. Practice humility and justice. Keep secular law and spiritual law.
94. When you repent you must make a firm decision to never again practice such thoughts, words, or works, and to practice their opposite virtues from then on.
95. Do not be ashamed to confess your secrets, that is your sins.
96. Practice humility, mourning, meekness, justice, mercy, purity of heart, peace-making, endure persecution, endure revilement. (See the Beatitudes Matt. 5: 3-10).
97. (Luke 6:20): “Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God”. (Luke 6:24): “But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation”.
98. What good can come to you if you do not honor and obey your father and mother? Therefore honor and obey your father and mother always.
99. Woe to the non-humble. Woe to the non-mourning. Woe to the non-meek. Woe to the non-just. Woe to the non-merciful.
100. Practice humility, justice and mercy always.
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