Orthodox Christian Topics
Orthodox Christian Ideas VII
Written by Greg Pantelidis BSc(Hons)

  1. Remember your thought sequence. Remember your feeling sequence. Remember your word sequence. Remember your bodily sequence. Keep all these sequences pure.
  2. Solve your wrong thoughts. Solve your wrong feelings. Solve your wrong words. Solve your wrong practices.
  3. Our good thoughts and good feelings are gifts of God. Our good words and good practices are also gifts of God. With the help of God we think good, feel good, speak good, and practice good.
  4. We are only stewards of good thoughts, good feelings, good words, and good practices. None of these are ours, they all belong to the good and holy God.
  5. Recall the practical faults: overeating, stealing and overpossessing, killing, destroying, vanity, disobedience, lying, and unchastity.
  6. Consider your guilt from wrong thoughts, wrong feelings, wrong words, and wrong practices. Remember that repentance and confession is what will resolve this guilt.
  7. We have to work in order to eliminate tyranny, poverty, and disease. Every person must receive a quality secular and religious education. A quality secular and religious education will eliminate the three evils of tyranny, poverty, and disease.
  8. Contemplate cause and effect. When you encounter material loss, dishonor, tyranny, or bodily suffering, contemplate what cause has given rise to this effect. Contemplating cause and effect you will understand natural law and spiritual law.
  9. Our separation from God can be viewed economically, legally, medically, or from a marriage point of view. We owe to God, we have transgressed His law, we are ill, and we are divorced from God. Lord Jesus came to pay our debt, restore justice and keep God’s law, heal our illness, and betroth us once again to God.
  10. Whatever you see, contemplate scripture or the words of the holy fathers and holy mothers.
  11. Are you a prodigal but pretending to be self-controlled? Are you greedy but pretending to be charitable? Are you proud but pretending to be humble? Are you an unbeliever but pretending to be devoted and religious?
  12. Have an honest, humble, and simple heart.
  13. Some precepts addressed to monks and nuns and unmarried Christians: 1) We have come here not to eat well, but to fast. 2) We have come here not to increase in possessions, but to practice poverty and frugality. 3) We have come here not to have glory, but to practice humility and self-abnegation. 4) We have come here not to practice romance, but chastity.
  14. Study the Commandments night and day. Practice the Commandments. Finally, teach the Commandments.
  1. A teaching addressed to all Orthodox Christians:

1)    We are here not to overeat, but to fast and eat canonically.

2)    We are here not to steal, destroy, and overpossess, but to practice charity and canonical possessing.

3)    We are here not to be vain, but to practice humility.

4)    We are here not to be disobedient and idle, but to work and practice obedience.

5)    We are here not to lie and revile, but to speak truth and edification.

6)    We are here not to practice adultery and fornication, but to practice canonical sexual relations and chastity.

7)    We are here not to wrong and hate other persons, but to be just, forgiving, and loving.

  1. Never accept praise for your knowledge. Never accept praise for your virtue. Never accept praise for your gifts of body or soul. Never accept praise for your achievements. Praise belongs only to God.
  2. The good and just God does only what is good and just. His providence permits only what is good and just. Therefore, when you see something bad know that the justice of God has permitted it. We do not understand the justice of God but we must accept that cause and effect are at work, the reaping of what we sowed or the test of our will.
  3. Practice the Law of Moses always. Practice the Law of Lord Jesus always. Help others always. Love others always.
  4. How is your spiritual business going? How is your spiritual school going? How is your spiritual farm going? How is your spiritual hospital going? How is your spiritual war going? All these refer to salvation, virtues and passions, sin and sinlessness.
  5. Every person experiences a crisis in their life. The crisis leads others to turn to God, others to turn to prodigal living, and others to commit suicide.
  6. The work of a monk is to pray and practice asceticism. The work of a family man is to care for his family, earn an income, and raise his children.
  7. Always be working: fasting, practicing charity, being humble, being obedient, truth speaking, praying, studying, guarding your mind and heart, practicing chastity.
  8. Where is the problem that needs correction? Is the problem in thoughts? Is the problem in feelings? Is the problem in words? Or is the problem in practices?
  9. Fulfill the need of your fellow persons. Give food, give possessions, honor, console, serve, counsel.
  10. Greet and do not expect greetings. Give and do not expect givings. Serve and do not expect servings. Love and do not expect loving. Do good and do not expect good in return.
  11. Keep a clear conscience in the giving of food, possessions, glory, and romance.
  12. Practice faith, humility, simplicity, honesty, and obedience. These virtues make you useful to God and neighbor.
  13. The Law of Moses and the Law of Lord Jesus teach us what to do and what not to do. To enter into eternal life we must keep these two laws. (See Matt. 19:17).
  14. If you fast then you see the value of food. If you abstain from possessions then you see the value of possessions. If you abstain from glory then you will see what value has glory. If you practice obedience then you will see the uselessness and non-virtue of disobedience. If you abstain from romance then you will see the value of romance.
  15. Have you kept the Law of Moses? Have you kept the Law of Lord Jesus?
  16. You must practice everything that is legal according to the Law of Moses and the Law of Lord Jesus. You must abstain from everything that is illegal according to the Law of Moses and the Law of Lord Jesus. Work continuously to keep these two laws. Never be idle, for idleness is illegal according to the Law of Moses and the Law of Lord Jesus.
  17. A young person must be taught first the Law of Moses and then the Law of Lord Jesus. The Law of Moses is natural law. The Law of Lord Jesus is spiritual law. First comes the natural, then the spiritual. (See 1 Cor. 15:46).
  18. Always consider the need of your neighbor. This need is your opportunity to minister to your neighbor, and to the Lord who your neighbor represents.
  19. Our evil thoughts torment us. Our evil feelings torment us. Our evil words torment us. Evil sights and evil hearings torment us. Our evil practices torment us.
  20. Any good we encounter is a gift from God. Any evil we encounter is our due according to natural or spiritual justice.
  21. We must take responsibility for every illegal practice we practice. We must repent and mourn and cease the illegal practice.
  22. Every person must first learn and practice the Law of Moses. Second, they must rise to the learning and practice of the Law of Lord Jesus.
  23. When Lord Jesus on the Cross uttered the words: “It is finished!”, the kingdom of the dragon came to an end. Judaism, Paganism, Unbelief, Pride, Lawlessness, Despair, and Hades, were all abolished. Every Orthodox Christian by belief in Lord Jesus has been delivered from the kingdom of the dragon. Glory to Lord Jesus, now and forever!
  24. Only Lord Jesus can deliver us from the kingdom of the dragon. No other can deliver us. Only Lord Jesus through His apostles can deliver us from the kingdom of the dragon.
  25. All Orthodox Christians are warriors of Lord Jesus. Monks and nuns are His special forces warriors.
  26. When you have temptations think of those who have greater temptations. When you have comforts think of those who have lesser comforts.
  27. Do not let temptation curb your goodness or wisdom. Let your goodness and wisdom shine, for the glory of God.
  28. Obey your Orthodox Christian elders: bishops and presbyters. As a child obey your natural elders: mother and father and elder siblings. All blessing and progress comes from obeying your Orthodox Christian elders and your natural elders.
  29. In the Orthodox Christian life you must consult your spiritual elders on every matter of your life. As a child you must consult your natural elders on every matter of your life.
  30. Obey your spiritual elders. As a child, obey your natural elders.
  31. Reject illegal thoughts. Reject illegal feelings. Reject illegal words. Reject illegal practices. Reject everything that is religiously illegal.
  32. Do you know who we crucified on the Cross? God in the flesh. The Sinless One. This infinite injustice destroyed the kingdom of false Gods, unbelief, pride, lawlessness, despair, death, and Hades. The Cross of Lord Jesus annihilated the kingdom and power of the dragon. All glory to Almighty Lord Jesus!
  33. Beware of persons who practice and teach illegality. Beware that you do not imitate their illegality. Keep the natural separation between legality and illegality. Guard yourself from the poison of illegality.
  34. Reject pride of opinion. Reject pride of will. Practice self-denial of opinion and self-denial of will. Curb your opinion and will and you will be free, happy, content, and Comforted!
  35. Do you will to be good and wise? Then give place to the grace of God. Only the good and wise are in the likeness of God. Only you can choose if you will be good and wise. Choose goodness. Choose wisdom. Reject pride so that you can give place to goodness and wisdom.
  36. What can God do with a world which rejects Him? What can God do with those who overeat, steal and overpossess, practice vanity, practice lying, practice disobedience, practice unchastity, with no desire to cease? The apostate world is an enemy of God. The apostate world rejects faith, humility, goodness, and wisdom. Woe to the apostate world!
  37. Goodness and wisdom are gifts of God. Faith, humility, and diligence increase goodness and wisdom. Unbelief, pride, and laziness increase badness, folly, love of glory, love of possessions, and love of pleasure.
  38. Submit to God. (See James 4:7). Submit to allow the grace of God to effect in you goodness, wisdom, and spiritual gifts.
  39. Do not cling stubbornly to your opinion and will. Practice self-denial of opinion and self-denial of will and you will be useful to God and neighbor, filled with grace, goodness, wisdom, and spiritual gifts.
  40. Give to him who asks you. (See Matt. 5:42). Give whatever is needed: food, possessions, directions, knowledge, bodily requirements, spiritual counsel, spiritual consolation.
  41. Practice charity always. Never cease from works of charity. Deny your opinion and will and practice charity to all in need.
  42. (Tobit 4:10): “For charity delivers from death and does not allow one to enter into the darkness.”
  43. Love of God and love of neighbor cures all problems. Love is the panacea of all problems. In the face of material loss, dishonor, and bodily suffering always practice love and charity and you will be happy, free, unperturbed, and joyful! Blessed in truth is he who has love of God and love of neighbor.
  44. Fast, give charity, pray, study, be humble, speak truth, be obedient, keep chastity, Confess, Commune, guard your mind and heart, forgive, seek non-glory for yourself. All these are practical Orthodox Christianity.
  45. With the power of Lord Jesus we practice gospel goodness and gospel wisdom. Without the power of Lord Jesus we cannot practice gospel goodness or gospel wisdom.
  46. The fundamental precept of Orthodox Christianity is obedience to Lord Jesus. It is by the power of Lord Jesus that we are freed from sin and ignorance, and can practice goodness and wisdom.
  47. Practice obedience always and you will be free, happy, useful, and filled with grace, goodness, wisdom, and spiritual gifts.
  48. Practice self-denial, obedience, humility, discernment, meekness, charity, and love, and you will be free, happy, and Comforted!
  49. All our good works are done for the glory of God. (See Matt. 5:16). All our good works are either for atonement or for thanksgiving. We should never seek our own glory for our good works. All glory belongs to God.
  50. Your goodness and wisdom must shine, for the glory of God.
  51. Reject every lawless thought. Guard your mind continuously. Oppose the viruses of the mind, that is, evil thoughts.
  52. Do not accept anything illegal: an illegal thought, an illegal feeling, an illegal word, an illegal sight, an illegal hearing, an illegal practice.
  53. Endure suffering of body or suffering of soul with hope in God, thanking Him for the judgment of the suffering which His goodness and justice has decreed.
  54. Can any leader end the overeating, stealing and overpossessing, vanity, lying, disobedience, and unchastity of the world?
  55. Be devoted to gospel ethics. Always practice gospel ethics. Never go out of gospel ethics.
  56. Live a life of gospel ethics. Then you will be a true Orthodox Christian. Then you will be a true son or daughter of God.
  57. Reject every unethical thought. Reject every unethical feeling. Reject every unethical word. Reject every unethical sight. Reject every unethical hearing. Reject every unethical practice.
  58. Speak always ethically. Say nothing unethical.
  59. Be guided by your spiritual father. Practice every precept with his opinion and blessing. This way you will be free, and happy, giving glory to God.
  60. What is holding you back? What is holding you back from fulfilling your dreams? Remember all things are possible to him who believes. (See Mark 9:23). You can do all things in Christ who empowers you. (See Phil. 4:13).
  61. With faith you can do everything you are ordained to do. With the help of Almighty God you can fulfill your destiny. Reject all excuses and doubts and fears.
  62. Be a self-responsible person. This involves asking, seeking, and knocking, when you need to achieve something. (See Matt. 7:7).
  63. Reject the messages of non-virtue that you cling to. Replace them with messages of virtue, faith and hope in Lord Jesus, charity, love, non-vanity, non-fear, non-doubt.
  64. If you cling to pride and disobedience you will be of no use to God and neighbor. Practice humility and obedience and you will be free, happy, and useful to God and neighbor.
  65. Stop clinging to unbelief, pride, and disobedience. Let go of unbelief, pride, and disobedience, and you will defeat everything that is holding you back.
  66. Have faith, humility, and obedience, and you will be free, full of gospel virtue and gospel wisdom, useful to God and neighbor, a true son or daughter of God.
  67. Faith, humility, and obedience give rise to every achievement. Nothing is impossible for him who practices faith, humility, and obedience. (See Mark 9:23).
  68. Do not think illegal thoughts. Guard your mind from all illegal thoughts. Purify your mind from all illegal thoughts.
  69. Endure material loss, dishonor, and bodily suffering, without sorrow, anger, or rancor, but with thanksgiving, forgiveness, and hope in God.
  70. A saint views all others as saints. A sinner views all others as sinners. A thief views all others as thieves. A fornicator views all others as fornicators. A wrathful person views all others as wrathful. A humble person views all others as humble. An honest person views all others as honest. A charitable person views all others as charitable.
  71. When day comes reflect how you have passed the night. When night comes reflect how you have passed the day. Pray: “Lord Jesus, guard me from every temptation.”
  72. When you recall all the goods you have, think of those who have less. When you recall the problems you have, think of those who have more. By these two contemplations you will remain content and grateful.
  73. What is your dream? Seek to make your dream a reality. If your dream accords with the will of God it can become a reality. Everything is possible for him who believes. (See Mark 9:23).
  74. All problems can be resolved if we practice charity and obedience. Pride disappears, anger disappears, rancor disappears, hatred disappears, phobias disappear, anxiety disappears, sorrow disappears, lethargy disappears, envy disappears, addictions disappear, psychological problems disappear.
  75. Practice faith, humility, charity, and obedience always. These four virtues make us free. These four virtues make us healthy in body and in soul.
  76. Health of body and soul are achieved by practicing faith, charity, humility, and obedience.
  77. Blessed are the faithful. Blessed are the charitable. Blessed are the humble. Blessed are the obedient.
  78. Faith cures doubt. Charity cures hatred. Humility cures pride. Obedience cures anger.
  79. Always practice and teach faith, charity, humility, and obedience.
  80. When there is no faith there is doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, suspicion, non-action, and sorrow. Faith dispels all these. When there is no charity there is suffering, envy, hatred, rancor, and division. Charity dispels all these. When there is no humility there is pride, vanity, self-exaltation, rudeness, and tyranny. Humility dispels all these. When there is no obedience there are disputes, anger, disrespect, and dysfunction. Obedience dispels all these.
  81. Practice faith, charity, humility, and obedience, and you will see all your problems dissolve.
  82. A son or daughter of faith, charity, humility, and obedience, is always joyful. A son or daughter of non-faith, non-charity, non-humility, and non-obedience, is always sorrowful.
  83. Faith and obedience give rise to humility and charity.
  84. Obedience and charity make us useful to God and neighbor.
  85. Obedience and charity are the way of every blessing.

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