Orthodox Christian Topics
Orthodox Christian Ideas VIII
Written by Greg Pantelidis BSc(Hons)

  1. Practice gospel virtue. Practice Orthodox Christianity. You cannot force others to practice gospel virtue. You can only practice for yourself. Separate from those who do not practice gospel virtue. This separation is necessary, and does not lack love of neighbor.
  2. You cannot force a mitzvah community. You cannot force people to keep mitzvot. The practice of mitzvot is voluntary. You can only call to the practice of mitzvot, you cannot force practice of mitzvot.
  3. Charity and obedience are practical solutions to many of our problems. The problem of tyrannical elders, tyrannical bosses, tyrannical siblings, tyrannical peers, or tyrannical partners, must be resolved by referral to a higher authority.
  4. We cannot love God and neighbor for other persons, we can only love God and neighbor for our person. Therefore be self-responsible, practicing commandments for your salvation.
  5. Let us be self-responsible. Our overeating is ours, our stealing and overpossessing is ours, our vanity is ours, our lying or reviling is ours, our disobedience is ours, our unchastity is ours. Let us be self-responsible and correct these. Let us practice fasting, charity, prayer, humility, truth speaking and blessing, obedience, and chastity.
  6. We are just stewards of God’s goods. All goods are God’s, be they material goods, virtue, spiritual knowledge, spiritual gifts, or goods of glory. All are God’s. Therefore be a good steward: charitable and obedient.
  7. Solve problems by practicing charity and obedience. Solve problems by being in tune with the will of God. God wishes us to be always charitable, and always obedient. We will then be free, happy, and blessed.
  8. Be a person of charity. Be a person of obedience. Be a person of humility. Be a person of love.
  9. What is the world troubling you with? Tyranny? Poverty? Bodily disease? Psychological disease? Turn to God to be delivered. Have perfect faith in God.
  10. What is your vision? If it accords with God’s will you can achieve it.
  11. Tune into the frequency of grace and you will be free, happy, and Comforted!
  12. Remember what the world suffers from: pride, wrath, non-mercy, envy, and hatred. Remember the four attachments of the world: food attachment, possessions (including knowledge) attachment, glory attachment, and romance attachment. Remember the five vices these attachments generate: pride, wrath, sorrow, lethargy, envy, (despair and suicide).
  13. What problems are obstructing your vision? With the help of God you can overcome all problems obstructing your vision.
  14. Have faith in God, obedience, and charity. When temptations try to shake your body or soul do not lose courage. With the power and grace of Lord Jesus you can do all things. (See Phil. 4:13).
  15. If we are humble nothing can sway us. Neither dishonor, neither material loss, neither bodily suffering.
  16. Everything is cause and effect, the golden rule: greet and you will be greeted, give and it will be given to you, serve and you will be served, love and you will be loved. (See Gal. 6:7).
  17. Reject envy and jealousy. Why should the abundance and success of other persons make you suffer?
  18. What is obstructing us achieving our visions? Our false opinions and our false will of unwillingness. When we conform our opinion and will to God, we see that our visions can be achieved. Reject false opinions and false will which are holding you back from achievement.
  19. The golden rule is symmetry: good for good, bad for bad, neutrality for neutrality. The golden rule is cause and effect. The golden rule is reaping what we sowed. (See Gal. 6:7).
  20. (Ps. 135:23): “In our humility the Lord remembered us.”
  21. Do no injustice in food, possessions (including knowledge) glory, or romance.
  22. Cease practicing transgression. Are you overeating? Are you stealing or overpossessing? Are you being vain? Are you lying or reviling? Are you being disobedient? Are you practicing unchastity? Stop practicing these things.
  23. Keep the precepts of your spiritual father. Seek the blessing of your spiritual father for every precept you keep. Keep the precepts you are assigned, neither adding nor subtracting from them.
  24. Give to him who asks you. (See Matt. 5:42). Be it food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, or romance. Visit him who is sick, lonely, or in prison. (See Matt. 25:36).
  25. If you associate with the humble you will learn humility. If you associate with the meek you will learn meekness. If you associate with the charitable you will learn charity. If you associate with the obedient you will learn obedience. If you associate with the loving you will learn to love. Conversely, if you associate with the proud you will become proud. If you associate with overeaters you will learn to overeat. If you associate with the unchaste you will learn unchastity. If you associate with the cunning you will become cunning.
  26. Practice your cyclic typikon with enthusiasm, joy, and zeal.
  27. Use every moment of day and night to practice charity, obedience, and gospel virtue. Remember that every moment is precious and must be used for gospel virtue and gospel wisdom.
  28. Always pray: “Lord have mercy”, “Lord help.” In our struggle for salvation, we always need the mercy and help of the Lord.
  29. Use every moment of day and night to practice gospel virtue and gospel wisdom. Remember that every moment of day and night will be judged by Lord Jesus.
  30. When you tune in to the frequency of grace, bang! Power and wisdom are ignited!
  31. Have perfect faith, perfect obedience, and perfect humility. Your soul and body will then ignite with the power of grace, goodness, wisdom, and spiritual gifts.
  32. Isn’t God All-wise and All-powerful? Therefore, turn to God in all your problems. He being All-wise and All-powerful will solve all your problems. Glory to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever!
  33. The secular church is characterized by pride, wrath, non-mercy, envy, and hatred. The Orthodox Christian Church is characterized by humility, meekness, mercy, rejoicing with others, and love. God protect you from the secular church! God make you a member of the Orthodox Christian Church!
  34. Bullying is everywhere. Bullying is in families. Bullying is in work places. Bullying is in schools. Bullying is in social groups. Bullying is illegal. It transgresses human rights.
  35. Whatever you encounter do not be quick to judge or to jump to a conclusion. Think good, question, be merciful and compassionate.
  36. The golden rule is symmetry, cause and effect. According to the golden rule, all the injustice we practice will be returned to us unless we repent and restitute.
  37. The likes, dislikes, and neutralities of other persons are none of our business. You must function on the wavelength that fulfills your own destiny of salvation.
  38. When you function on the wavelength of grace all things contribute to your salvation. Every moment of day and night is an opportunity to practice gospel virtue, gospel wisdom, and spiritual gifts.
  39. Let us make tyranny history. Poverty history. Physical disease history. Psychological disease history.
  40. Tune in to the frequency of grace. Then you will become good and wise and all your problems will be solved! Tune in to the frequency of the Shekinah! That is, tune in to the frequency of the Holy Spirit!
  41. The secular church is like a monster, a monster of pride, wrath, non-mercy, envy, and hatred. God protect us from the secular church!
  42. The secular church is part dragon from pride, part lion from wrath, part crocodile from non-mercy, part viper from envy, and part bear from hatred. God protect us from the secular church!
  43. The wavelength you are tuned into is how you will see that world and how you will live your life. If you tune into pride, harshness, rudeness, and injustice, that is the frequency of your life. If you tune into humility, leniency, respect, and justice, that will be the frequency of your life.
  44. Each person chooses a frequency for themselves. This frequency makes up their world view and world opinion. Everything in this frequency of likes, dislikes, and neutralities, constitutes their life. The holy choose a holy frequency, the frequency of grace. The carnal choose a carnal frequency. The psychical choose a psychical frequency. The natural choose a natural frequency. Only the holy are truly free and happy and alive!
  45. Trust in God to restore the injustices you have experienced. (See Rom. 12:19).
  46. Ask and you will receive. (See Matt. 7:7). Ask God for everything you need, and it will be given to you. Ask the relevant persons for what you need, and it will be given to you.
  47. What shall we do about the monster? What is the monster? The monster is the secular church. May God have mercy on the monster. May God save the monster. May God save the secular church.
  48. Tune in to the frequency of the Holy Spirit and Bang! Goodness, wisdom, and spiritual gifts are activated!
  49. Finding the frequency of the Holy Spirit should be our chief pursuit.
  50. The aim of our life is to find the frequency of the Holy Spirit, to tune into this frequency, and to remain tuned into it all the days of our lives.
  51. The aim of our life is to go from separation from God to engagement to God to marriage to God.
  52. The secular church is a monster of pride, wrath, non-mercy, envy, and hatred. The Orthodox Christian Church is the communion of the holy, a communion of humility, meekness, mercy, rejoicing with others, and love.
  53. The world becomes angry over food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, or romance. The world becomes angry over every injustice in food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, or romance. The world practices symmetry in injustice, returning injustice for injustice.
  54. The secular church is a poisonous monster held by the poisons of pride, wrath, non-mercy, envy, and hatred.
  55. Keep away from those persons held by the poisons of pride, wrath, non-mercy, envy, and hatred.
  56. Seek the frequency of grace, goodness, and wisdom, and you will find it. (See Matt. 7:7)
  57. When you tune into the frequency of the Holy Spirit life is blessedness. When you tune into the frequency of unbelief, wrong opinions, and pride, life is suffering.
  58. The secular church has the trait of short-temper. It is because of this that it is in constant strife and disputes.
  59. When you find the frequency of grace, bang! Power flows! Goodness flows! Wisdom flows! Spiritual gifts flow!
  60. Every true Orthodox Christian teacher is tuned into the frequency of grace, and helps his disciples to also tune into the frequency of grace.
  61. Attachment to food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance is what gives rise to pride, wrath, sorrow, lethargy, envy, (despair and suicide).
  62. Before you tell anyone to be merciful and loving, tell them to have faith in God, repentance and confession, humility, and obedience. These are what make us merciful and loving.
  63. If we cling to our problems how are we going to solve them? Self-denial is the path to solving our problems. Renouncing self is the solution to our problems.
  64. Beware of the secular church. The secular church is proud, short-tempered, supercritical, non-merciful, envious, and hating. God protect us from the secular church!
  65. Who can stop the secular church from being proud, short-tempered, supercritical, non-merciful, envious, and hating?
  66. The secular church is ill, ill with attachment to food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance. Ill with pride, short-temper, sorrow, lethargy, supercriticality, non-mercy, envy, hatred, (despair and suicide). The poor secular church!
  67. Don’t blame other persons for your choice to overeat, your choice to steal and overpossess, your choice to be vain, your choice to lie, criticize, or revile, your choice to be disobedient, your choice to practice unchastity. If all these were not your choice you would not feel guilt. Your feeling of guilt is an indicator of them being your choices.
  68. We must correct our faults. We must admonish others to correct their faults. Admonishment is all we can do. We cannot correct the faults of others, we can only correct our own.
  69. Guard yourself. Do not choose wrong thoughts. Do not choose wrong feelings. Do not choose wrong words. Do not choose wrong sights. Do not choose wrong hearings. Do not choose wrong practices.
  70. Guard yourself. Choose right thoughts. Choose right feelings. Choose right words. Choose right sights. Choose right hearings. Choose right practices.
  71. Always speak right words. Even if someone is in the wrong, you must always admonish and speak of the right.
  72. We have to realize that our problems are in us not out of us. Our wrong thoughts are in our mind not out of our mind. Our wrong feelings are in our heart not out of our heart. Wherever we go we carry our wrong thoughts and wrong feelings with us. We must seek to abolish our wrong thoughts and wrong feelings. Then wherever we are we will be content and happy.
  73. The secret is to find the frequency of grace. When you do, goodness, wisdom, and spiritual gifts will be activated!
  74. Practice right thoughts. Practice right feelings. Practice right words. Practice right sights. Practice right hearings. Practice right practices.
  75. Tune into the frequency of grace, and you will receive goodness, wisdom, and spiritual gifts.
  76. Choose eternal life by having faith in Lord Jesus. (See John 6:47). Choose to keep the word of Lord Jesus and you will never die. (See John 8:51).
  77. Always have right thoughts. Reject wrong thoughts which ruin or disable your life.
  78. Do not let wrong thoughts disable your life. Always think right thoughts. From right thoughts come right words and right practices.
  79. Our problem is wrong thoughts. Wrong thoughts ruin us, disable us, cause us sorrow, cause us guilt, obstruct our progress in gospel virtue, gospel wisdom, and spiritual gifts. Reject wrong thoughts and accept only right thoughts. Guard your mind from wrong thoughts, repent and confess the wrong thoughts that torment you.
  80. Which is the monster that is tormenting you: tyranny, poverty, or disease? Who are those persons who are acting as monsters of tyranny and suffering?
  81. The world is a monster. A monster that overeats, steals and overpossesses, has vanity; lies, reviles, and criticizes; disobeys, and practices unchastity. God protect us from such a monster!
  82. The sons and daughters of the dragon are monsters. Monsters of pride, wrath, non-mercy, envy, and hatred. God protect us from the monsters!
  83. The Providence of God cares for all. The good we receive is a gift from God. The suffering we receive is due to our sins. Thank therefore God for all, for both the good and for the suffering.
  84. Do everything today. Can you greet today? Then greet. Can you give today? Then give. Can you serve today? Then serve. Can you love today? Then love. Can you do something today? Then do it.
  85. In every practice you are to practice today, pray for the help of God. With the help of God you will succeed. If God does not help, you will not succeed.
  86. If no one greets you today do not be sad, just greet. If no one gives to you today do not be sad, just give. If no one serves you today do not be sad, just serve. If no one loves you today do not be sad, just love.
  87. What can you do today? Can you greet today? Then greet. Can you give today? Then give. Can you serve today? Then serve. Can you love today? Then love. Can you confess today? Then confess. Can you Commune today? Then Commune. Can you practice today? Then practice. Can you commence today? Then commence. Can you achieve today? Then achieve. We must do everything today. Today is our opportunity to practice gospel virtue, gospel wisdom, and spiritual gifts. Make full use of today. Today is your time of salvation.
  88. When you consider the psychological nature of a person see them as they are in the middle form of their nature, not in their overnature or undernature of psychological disorder.
  89. The passions are an incurable psychological illness that can be cured only by Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus is the healer of psychological illness. If we do not go to Lord Jesus for healing we will remain with our psychological illnesses.
  90. Let us work at gospel virtue, gospel wisdom, and spiritual gifts. Wherever we are we must work hard and diligently. With the help of God, we must today do our spiritual work for our salvation.
  91. Do you want to be saved? Then keep the commandments. (See Matt. 19:17). Those who neglect their salvation think only of food, possessions (including knowledge), glory, and romance.
  92. Keep the commandments for your salvation, not for glory, honor, or praise.
  93. Are you a crucified one? (See Gal. 2:20). Are you crucified to the world? (See Gal. 6:14). Are you crucified to unbelief, pride, lawlessness, and despair?
  94. The dragon tries to push our nature up or down. Up to the overnatural, or down to the undernatural. For each virtue he tries to push us up to hypervirtue or down to hypovirtue. The extremes of hyperbolicity and ellipticity are of the dragon. For example, he tries to push courage up to rashness or down to cowardice. He tries to push prudence up to cunning or down to folly.
  95. Beware of the hypervirtues, the overmeasure of the virtues. Beware of the hypovirtues, the undermeasure of the virtues.
  96. The four cardinal virtues of the Old Testament are: prudence, self-restraint, justice, and courage. The hypervirtues of these cardinal virtues are: cunning, license, greed, and rashness. The hypovirtues of these cardinal virtues are: folly, insensitivity, deficiency, and cowardice.
  97. If you are a crucified one you will not suffer when you encounter dishonor, material loss, or bodily suffering. The crucified ones have transcended glory, wealth, and pleasure.
  98. A crucified one is always joyful. (See 1 Thess. 5:16). A crucified one gives thanks for the good, and for suffering. (See 1 Thess. 5:18).
  99. A crucified one lives in humility, obedience, and love.
  100. A crucified one has all his hope in Lord Jesus.

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